Riaan Van Zyl – Consulting and contracting Arborist's Pty(Ltd)

RVZ Consulting and Contracting Arborist

RVZ Consulting and Contracting Arborist PTY (Ltd) provide applied services in planning, management and the operational care for Trees and Forests which are associated and potentially impacted on by human interventions of any kind and the related infrastructure development required maintaining such actions. Using 30 years experience, up to date knowledge and technology in Urban Forestry, Conservation Forestry and Arboricultural practices and a trained staff compliment.

We strive to raise awareness of trees and forest's asset value to the landscape in terms of their placement, size, health, and species. Their value in environmental functionality amongst others in terms of shade, carbon sequestration, carbon sink, oxygen, bio-diversity, shelter, and pollution control, and for future generations in terms of their cultural and historical values. To promote and facilitate their care and maintenance and so ensure their continued contribution by extending their life expectancy. This is done by creating jobs, growing and developing skilled human recourses and building knowledge through partnerships in research programs where ever we work to conserve, expand and restore viable tree and forest within their associated communities.

Geographic Tree Inventory
Management System

Trees and forests within areas of human activity and in proximity of the required infrastructure development are not renewable recourses. This is in contrast to trees and forests growing in undisturbed natural environments. It is therefore a requirement to manage these assets appropriately and systematically to ensure health and safety, extend their life expectancy, reduce the impact of development, and to maintain their asset value and functionality for all the beneficiaries over time.

A geographic tree inventory management system (GTIMS) was developed using a suite of soft ware programs. This system captures and uses specialist tree inventory data and combines it with a geographic (GPS) reference point. This specialist information is then analysed, and a management plan is developed for the maintenance and management of trees and forests in the defined area.

Our operational tree care teams apply the plan developed by GTIMS. Trained and experienced tree care professionals apply work required to maintain trees and forests. The staff compliment includes Tree Workers, Ground Crew, Arborists and Conservation Foresters.

This is a service for owners and custodians of trees and forests who perceive and attach an asset value to the environment and need to actively manage this asset by maintaining records of trees and forests, their condition, and history of maintenance work, and expenditure over time. This documentation and data provides advocacy for environmental care, and due-diligence should an incident occur which requires proof of care.